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Hallo. Mein name ist Sarah. Oi. Sorry, This is my 'facinating' blog. Please check it out and comment alot! I want to know if anyone's looking @ this!


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Friday, May 21, 2010

MOre interesting medical from Delmar Learning course!

A nulligravida (null-ih-GRAV-ih-dah) is a woman who has never been pregnant (nulli means none and gravida means pregnant).

A nullipara (nuh-LIP-ah-rah) is a woman who has never borne a viable child (nulli means none and para means to bring forth).

A primigravida (prye-mih-GRAV-ih-dah) is a woman during her first pregnancy (primi means first and gravida means pregnant).

A primipara (prye-MIP-ah-rah) is a woman who has borne one child (primi means first and para means to bring forth).

Multiparous (mul-TIP-ah-rus) means a woman who has given birth two or more times (multi means many and parous means having borne one or more children).

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