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Thursday, May 13, 2010

For future reference


A port-wine stain is a large reddish purple discoloration of the face or neck. This discoloration will not resolve without treatment (Figure 12.9). See Laser Treatments of Skin Conditions.
A strawberry hemangioma (hee-man-jee-OH-mah or heh-man-jee-OH-mah) is a soft raised birthmark. This dark reddish purple growth is a benign tumor made up of newly formed blood vessels. These usually resolve without treatment by about age 7 years.

Figure 12.9 Types of birthmarks:

(A) Port-wine stain;

(B) Strawberry hemangioma

1 comment:

  1. i think the first one is more presentable. It is like a mole.
    Even there was a very important rusian politician with port-wine stain, it was Mijail Gorvachov, maybe you have heard about him in social sciances class.

